I am single for quite a while. But, I haven’t been on my own for quite a while. I met and dated one man after another. Some for a few dates, others for a few months. Some just to forget about others. And by that I totally unlearned to be happy on my own. I was always looking for confirmation and affection. Which I never got, but got more and more unhappy. So it was high time to find the way back to myself. And I have been curious about going on vacation all alone and spending time with myself for a long time. Without permanently being in touch with somebody, waiting for answers, hoping for messages.
So here I am. All on my own on this tropical, heavenly, divine beach on the Seychelles. Framed by the bizarrely beautiful granite formations the Seychelles are famous for. The most beautiful landscape and pristine nature. A place incredibly magical and romantic with the right partner. But, I never met the right partner or when I thought I had, I obviously wasn’t the right one for him. The next week just me and myself, with the task to enjoy the time with myself. And I had the time of my life. I have always been in a kind of waiting position. Waiting for a man to have a fabulous date night, to go on heavenly vacations with. Stop waiting! Go out and date yourself. Take yourself out for dinner. Fall in love with yourself. And maybe then you – and I – are able to fall in love with someone else without need. And if it does not happen you already have the most beautiful relationship of all – with yourself.
I could not have thought of a better place for this journey than the stunning Kempinski Seychelles Resort. I was so afraid I would feel uncomfortable alone, especially when it comes to dining. But not for one second! I have never felt that calm and relaxed before. Lying on the most beautiful beach I have ever seen, listening to the sound of the waves and admiring the nature. Nothing better to clear your mind! Make sure to book a sea view room – the beach will be one step from your doorstep. And don’t miss to walk through the lush jungle to the top of the granite mountain. Breathtaking views of the azure Indian Ocean guaranteed!
Some final wise words: „To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.“ – Oscar Wilde
Your Brun Macaron
Wowwww so ein toller und ehrlicher Artikel! Ich bin beeindruckt <3
Liebe Sarah, ich spiele schon so lange mit dem Gedanken einfach mal für mich zu sein und ich denke eine Reise (am besten auf die Seychellen OMG) ist der perfekte Start, um sich wieder zu finden und zu wissen was man wirklich will. Es ist ja bekannt: Wer sich selbst kennt, weiss was er sich von anderen wünscht und dann klappt auch jede Beziehung! Bei dir sicher auch ganz bald mit dem richtigen Traummann <3
Wirklich ein sehr schöner Bericht! Und auch sehr mutig!
Und sag, wie hast du denn diese tollen Fotos gemacht, wenn du alleine unterwegs warst? Einfach jemanden gefragt, oder mit Stativ + Selbstauslöser?
Ganz lieben Dank, das freut mich ☺️
Ich habe mir tatsächlich extra eine Fernbedienung für meine Spiegelreflex gekauft und bin nirgends hin ohne mein Stativ. Besonders witzig bei der Wanderung auf den Berg (wie ein Packesel). Wie gut, dass mich niemand gesehen hat hahaha 😉
Liebste Grüße, Sarah