It’s about time to tell you a little more about the loves of our life: Our three kitties.In the PINK cat family we have two adorable girls and one charming baby boy. They all have two things in common: Their unbelievable blue eyes and good fashion taste 😉 They all like the shopping bags and gift wrappings the most!
Ladies first – let us introduce you lady Pompon. A beautiful one year old seal point Ragdoll with majestic fur. She is the calmest of our cats and overlooks everything in grace. Except when it comes to retrieving little balls!
Our second cat lady is little Cleo. A four year old Siam mix cat which is unbelievably tiny. She stays a lovely kitten her whole life. But when it comes to her character she is a big wild leo. Seven mouses a day? Not a problem for this hunter babe!
And now we have the big cock of the walk: Mr Toulouse which is our Ragdoll baby of the family with only 7 months. We don’t have to tell you that he is a wild one. Always on the run, also in the water!
Love from your crazy cat ladies!