The PINK MACARON’s Spring Diet

Ladies, the first days of spring are coming and we need to get in shape for the upcoming summer (pics). You all know we love to eat sweet things like MACARONs but at the beginning of the year Stephanie always does the FX Mayr cure which is absolutely amazing.

This cure is not only about losing weight but also to get more healthy and become the best version of yourself. Targeted fasting and conscious abstinence make a new lightness possible. You gain a new awareness of your body, more attentiveness and balance.

How to do it:

The cure is about eating less but not to be hungry. It is NOT a low carb diet. During the cure the most important thing is to do light sport activities like walking or swimming in the nature and just to RELAX! Digital Instagram Detox included!

The daily menu:
Morning: Dry bred and milk or yoghurt or an egg
Lunch: Dry bred and milk or yoghurt
Evening: Tea only for the tough girls or potatoes with quark (which I did twice a week)

The most important thing is to eat really slowly to value your (small) meal which we often forget and just eat lots in a very short time!

Stephanie’s results: I got more fit, lost 5kg of weight in 10 days and never again had a bladder infection which was almost chronic. For me the cure is easy to do I just sometimes feel a bit weak or have a little headache.

PINK Tip: Going on a diet and relaxing is always more fun with UNICORNS 😉


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