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Every influencer needs some idols to look up to. For us it is Negin Mirsalehi. She makes us believe in our dreams! Besides her breathtaking beauty she is one of the most natural AND funny bloggers. We just love to watch her Vlogs: Her boyfriend sleeps all day and never buys anything while shopping for hours – how annoying 😉 In the next episode Negin pretends to eat no more sweets anymore. Two days later she gets the biggest candy bag ever! All this is just so human and refreshing that you really have the feeling to be part of her life. And that is was blogging should be all about, right?!
Besides being a blogger Negin also has another passion which comes from her father: Honey infused hair products from the own bee garden near to Amsterdam. We had the chance to try the GISOU honey infused hair oil during the past few weeks and really had the feeling that our hair got stronger and more shiny. The best about it: it lasts for more than one year!
So there is another thing we can learn from Negin – not only to get pretty hair, but to build a business besides the blogging. Something that lasts for generations! To turn your real passion into your career and be successful because you are crazy for what you are doing! Plus, you can share it via the blog with your girls.
So we are already working on a lot of ideas right now to built “our own little bee garden” to make PINK dreams come true! Stay tuned!
Thank you Negin and, please, Maurits, never stop sleeping at anytime 🙂 We are so jealous!
How pretty! Will try the hair oil soon!
Can`t wait for your ideas <3<3<3 For sure it will be pink 😉 xx Chrissie