Friday Whatever #10

My dears this was actually a sad week. My baby cat Toulouse came home from the garden and was badly hurt. I don’t know what happened – maybe he was hit by a car, maybe he has fallen from a tree (as he always climbs to high). The good news are he is going to be fine again the bad news are I will never let him out on the streets again.


So this week was not about getting a new look for me but for my balcony so that Toulouse will love it! I ordered PINK (what else 😉 ) furniture plus rose and green pillows. That reminds you of? Right, The Beverly Hills Hotel in LA. Find the items I ordered down below. I told you my house will look like this in my last Friday Whatever and it will happen earlier then expected now! When everything is finished I will do a post about my new Beverly Hills Balcony for sure.

Now I am off to Dubai with my man and I will be on my very first desert Safari. I could not be more exited!



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